Our Business Social Compliance Policy


Our goal is to satisfy customers’ needs and the sustainable development of our company

With the motto of respecting human rights; meeting and improving the working environment and the welfare of the employees ; conducting ethical business activities and environmental protection, Nam Cuong (Nacol) commits:

  1. Make best efforts and focus on potentials and resources to build and apply the Social Responsibility Management System in accordance with the amfori BSCI code of conduct while complying with the Vietnamese legal system as well as the Conventions and Treaties. International Covenants, Global Declarations and other requirements that the Company has agreed and acknowledged.
  2. Regularly improve the Business social compliance management system to comprehensively meet the requirements of the amfori BSCI code of conduct.

Our company agrees to respect the following labour principles set out in the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct.

  1. The Rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining : Our company respects the right of workers to form unions or other kinds of workers’ associations and to engage in collective bargaining.
  2. Fair remuneration: Our company respects the right of workers to receive fair remuneration.
  3. Occupational health and safety: Our company ensures a healthy and safe working environment; we assess risk and take all necessary measures to eliminate and reduce identified risks.
  4. Special protection for young workers :
  5. Our company provides special protection to any workers that are not yet adults.
  6. No bonded labour : Our company does not engage in any form of forced servitude, trafficked or non-voluntary labour.
  7. Ethical business behavior : Our company does not tolerate any acts of corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery.
  8. No discrimination : Our company provides equal opportunities and does not discriminate against workers.
  9. Decent working hours : Our company observes the law regarding hours of work.
  10. No child labour : Our company does not hire any worker below the legal minimum age.
  11. No precarious employment : Our company hires workers on the basis of documented contracts according to the law.
  12. Protection of the environment: Our company takes the necessary measures to avoid environmental degradation.

Amfori BSCI Approach:

  • Code Observance : Our company is obliged to protect workers’ rights as mandated by the law and the amfori BSCI Code.
  • Workers’ Involvement and Protection : Our company keeps workers informed about their rights and responsibilities.
  • Supply Chain Management and Cascade Effect: Our company uses the amfori BSCI Principles to influence other business partners.
  • Grievance Mechanism: Our company provides a system to collect complaints and suggestions from employees.